Sunday, November 4, 2012


Upon reading Air Gear chapter after chapter, I found myself immediately fascinated by the sky. Looking at the bright blue horizon and the fluffy, marshmallow clouds, I felt instantly comforted by the mere thought that the entire world shares the same sky. Though people may be miles apart, in a sense, the sky bridges us together and constantly reminds us that world is not as infinite as it seems.

Seeing birds being able to fly as they please, I began feeling sad for humankind for not knowing the freedom which these birds unknowingly possess. They are able to ride the wind so freely and from such great heights, they look down at us with their black, beady eyes as if we were nothing but prisoners chained to the ground. With a flap of their wings and a rustle of their feathers, they create the wind that they need to fly while we struggle to free ourselves from the weight of our burdens.

Would it be blasphemous to ask the heavens why we were given feet instead of wings?

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